Displaying 11 - 20 of 40.
Sayyid al-Qimnī presents a chart of the changes happened in social virtues of Arabs in the pre-Islamic time.
Since publishing her play entitled, ‘The Lord Resigns in a Summit,’ Dr. Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī has been subjected to a massive campaign led by the Azhar and Islamists, which caused her to leave the country for Belgium where she launched an attack against Islām and the Azhar in the European Parliament.
In this article, Hamdi Abdel Raḥmān, one of the eight leaders of the Jamā‘āt al- Islamiya who wrote the four books that renounce most of the ideologies of the Gama?at, speaks about how he came to join the Gama?at al-Islāmīyah, why the Gama?at resorted to violence and why they later renounced...
Al-Akhbar, al- Ahali, Sout al-Ummah and Sout al-Azhar tackled the reasons behind the distorted image of Islām in the West and how to correct it. The four papers agreed on the need for an Arabic-Islamic media capable of addressing the West and explaining to it the true Islām.
Explaining the broad meaning of the concept of jihād in Islām, Muslim thinker Rajab al-Bannā quoted famous British writer Karen Armstrong’s definition of it as "struggle and effort, not a synonym for holy war as Westerners define it." Ahmad ‘Izz al-Dīn al-‘Arab wrote in a short article in al-Wafd...
Ahmad Abu al-Hassan presents Colonel Qadhāfī as the leader of the new war between the Sufist and the Salafist movements. Qadhāfī’s war is one in which all possible weapons are to be employed.
This interview with Dr. Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī deals with the latest fuss when she and her daughter, Muna Hilmī, appeared on a television program to call for giving children to the names of their mothers, not just their fathers.
Well-known Egyptian feminist writer, Dr. Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī and her daughter, Muna Hilmi, otherwise known as Muna Nawal Hilmī, have sparked heated controversy over their recent statements, in which they argued that a child should take his/her mother’s name, thus contradicting Islamic shari‘a...
Recent studies have revealed that the largest portion of violent crimes in Egyptian society is due to trivial disputes over household expenses. Taking into consideration economic problems, sociologist Dr. Ahmad al-Majdoub argues that unemployment and poverty are the main factor behind the...
Islam prescribes death penalty for murder to alleviate the anguish of the relatives of the murdered person, the grand imām of the Azhar, Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī says, explaining the reasons behind the harsh penalties imposed by Islam.


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