Displaying 131 - 140 of 280.
The article is an overview of the speeches given in the opening session of the Islamic Institute of Fiqh in Saudi Arabia. The speakers were the deputy of the Prince of Mecca, Saudi Grand Mufti, the Islamic World Association secretary general and the secretary general of the Fiqh Institute. Their...
The Philosophy and Doctrine Committee of the Islamic Research Institute issued a fatwa that forbids adopting the beliefs of the Baha´is, considering those adopting them as apostates. The Institute will send the fatwa to Madagascar in response to the question of officials there about the Baha...
The article is an interview with the Dr. Salah Eddin Al-Ga’farawi, head of the Islamic Council in Germany. He comments on the phenomenon of extremism before and after September 11, the conditions of Muslims in Germany and on how much Europeans are today aware of the questions of Arabs and Muslims.
The slogan which the takfīr-based groups were raising is “Kill and you will be rewarded…kill an unbeliever and you will go to paradise.” At one point, the kufār [infidels] were said to be the country's leaders and senior officials, another time they were the police officers and soldiers, tourists...
The Committee of Doctrine and Philosophy at the Islamic Research Institute started discussing research carried out by some scholars on the beliefs of the Qutb. There is a fear that the Azhar will change its stance towards the Qutbs, who are considered kufar [unbelievers].
The article is an interview with Dr. Tala´at Abdel Mageed, Professor at the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University. He comments on the nature of the current religious discourse and its impact on people. He highlighted the difficulty of discussing the issue of the renewal of religious...
The article is about the renewal of the Islamic religious discourse with a focus on the Western and American view of the needed type of renewal. The author argues that since liberal secularists in Islamic countries who are ignorant of the Islamic religious discourse are agents of their masters in...
The author urges Arabs and Muslims to support Palestinians against the arrogance of Zionism, not only through boycotting Jewish and American products but also through the media. The role of the Arab media in supporting the Palestinian issue has been shrinking as if it is a deliberate ideological...
The article discusses the issue of renewing Islamic discourse from a prospective of being dictated by the American Administration. The author mocked the American demands for renewing the Islamic religious discourse stressing that this issue is the exclusive concern of Muslims.
The author reviews the history of Al-Gama´a al-Islamiya and the ideological revisions it made which changed its approaches dramatically. The author believes that the past and present practices of Al-Gama´a lack analysis of the current state of affairs which should guide and control any...


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