Displaying 151 - 160 of 280.
The author comments on different anti-Islamic writings of British historian, Bernard Lewis.
The author explains that there are different groups of kufar [unbelievers] and not only one group, as many Muslims claim. He cites many Qur´anic verses to prove his point of view.
The author comments on the problem of terrorism and how to solve it. He believes that the wars, which took place between the West and Muslims in the last two years, created a common realization of the reasons behind religious-disguised terrorism. They also created a new perspective of how to end it...
A paper presented at the annual interfaith dialogue meeting of the Anglican communion and the Permanent Committee of the Azhar al-Sharif for Dialogue with the Monotheistic Religions that prompted criticism from Metropolitan Seraphim for the portrayal of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt.
Saudi authorities declared that they arrested 19 persons belonging to a new terrorist network. Commenting on this news, the author raises the question: Why do some Muslims plan to attack Muslim countries in the name of Islam? He bases his answer on a statement by the Saudi Minister of Interior...
The author comments on the “lovers of takfir” [those who love to accuse others of disbelief]. Instead of attracting people to Islam, “the lovers of takfir” do their best to prove that accused Muslims parted from Islam. There is also another group, non-Muslims, particularly orientalists, that...
Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi says that the form of Islam needed for globalization is forged and thus rejected. He believes that it is better to use the word “non-Muslims” instead of “kufar” in the Islamic religious discourse.
Usama Bin Laden accused all Arab leaders and possibly Arab peoples as well of kufr [unbelief]. Muslim scholars believe such an accusation show that Bin Laden is ignorant of the Shari´a because there is a hadith saying that he who accuses a Muslim of kufr becomes a kafar [unbeliever] himself.
The Islamic Research and Studies Center, the mouthpiece of the Al-Qa´ida network, issued a CD containing a book titled “The Reality about the New Crusade.” Some Islamists say the book is a “legal justification” or a “passport” for the operations Bin Laden and his group executed or will execute...
Explanation of the rule "No ijtihad with a text." The author believes that this rule imprisons the mind and forbids bringing about new legislations.


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