Displaying 221 - 230 of 280.
Dr. Moussa Hawamda, a Jordanian poet, has become very famous in the last five years after the recent campaign against his collection of poems My Trees Are Higher issued in fall 1999. Moussa Hawamda who was brought before the Jordanian court five years ago and then sentenced to six months...
The heated controversy in Egypt over the statements of the writer Usama Anwar Okasha has been escalated. In a press article, Okasha attacked the Companion of the Prophet Amr Ibn Al-‘As and made some accusations against him, which some people considered an insult to Amr Ibn Al-‘As. - See art. 7...
The author argues that non-Muslims are not necessarily kufar [unbelievers] because they might be Jews or Christians. He also argues that the term "kufr" [unbelief] is not used correctly.
The article is about a research discussed during the second Saudi National dialogue Conference held in Riyadh a few weeks ago. The research is on the role of curricula of Sharia sciences in Saudi public schools in promoting religious extremism and the culture of violence against non-Muslims and...
The article is the second part of an overview of a study made by two Saudi researchers in order to introduce it in the second National Dialogue Forum held in Riyadh a couple of weeks ago. According to the study and its authors, the religious curricula in Saudi Arabia exaggerate in accusing other...
The article reports about the current attitudes of the Gama’a Al-Islamiya towards the issues of democracy, Hedud [Sharia-based penalties and parliamentary council. The article is based on the latest ideological revision carried out by the Gama’a which were included in the book “Nahr Al-Zekrayat…...
Has President Mubarak’s call to renew religious thought been seriously tackled on all levels of the ruling party and the government-owned media or not? Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami, owned by the ruling National Democratic Party, continued its attack on secularists on the pretext that secularists are...
Mosul is around 400 kilometers north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Sentiments of fear and wariness are shrouding Iraqi Christians during their moves inside the city of Ninwa and other Christian villages. Religious extremists that have already targeted women, merchants and businessmen are...
Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār said, “Whoever says that the tsunami is a natural disaster is a kafir.” I say that it is 100 percent a natural disaster and it is not a punishment from God. Am I really an apostate?! Is my knowledge that I gained from God a reason for rendering me an apostate?
While some people explained the tsunami as a punishment from God for the low sexual morals of the people of the area where it happened, others explained it as a natural disaster. Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār stressed that whoever says that the tsunami earthquake is a natural phenomenon is kāfir [...


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