Displaying 261 - 270 of 280.
The author pointed out that he had crossed out many of the comments he received on "Awan Al-Ward" because he was keen to limit the arguments around the serial in the frame of its being a dramatic work that has nothing to do with preaching religion. Also, he was surprised by an article in Al-Ahram...
Shebl says the series of "Awan Al-Ward" led to discussions that Egyptians were in dire need of. Before the disaster of 1967 [in reference to the defeat of the six day war], there were no discussions about the relationship between Muslims and Christians. People were dealing with their companions on...
Marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian or a Jewish woman is allowed in Islamic countries while the opposite is not allowed. The author argues that if Muslims consider Christians people of the book, a Christian man should have the right to marry a Muslim woman. However, if they are...
This is the third part of the dramatic scene in which the writer gives the pros and the cons of the idea of establishing an Islamic party by the Muslim Brotherhood through a conversation between three friends [see RNSAW week 49, article 6 and week 50, article 3]. The friend who opposed the idea is...
The author criticized Nabil Luka Babawi for his article "Copts and the participation in the political life" which he published in Al-Ahram. Babawi is of opinion that the slogan of "religion for God and the country for all" started to get credibility after being only mentioned in emotional...
[Kitabis: lit.: "people of the Book" i.e., Christians and Jews] The author believes that the Coptic candidate of the Wafd, Mounir Fakhri Abdel-Nour, suffered a ridiculous attack in the name of religion by his Muslim opponent who distributed a flyer including some Qur’anic verses, aiming to distract...
Through an interview with Yasser Al-Serri, one the most famous Egyptian extremists, now living in London, the writer exposed the opportunism of the extremists and their mercurial ability at tailoring the Halal and Haram [permitted and forbidden according to Islam] to suit their purposes. While...
Subtitles: *Al-Zawahri is suffering with the desire of owning members of other Islamic groups which led him into folly. *Al-Gama’a is suffering from too much consultation which causes confusion and leads to arguments between the leadership. *Al Jihad categorized all as atheists, but the Gama’a...
[A Dhimmi: A name used for Christian or a Jewish women who married a Muslim man. The term refers back to the time Christians and Jews were protected under Islamic rule.] An Egyptian living in the Netherlands, wrote to Aqidati asking whether his Kitabi [person believing in one of the other two "...
October magazine obtained the confessions of five high-ranking members of terrorist groups, who repented after discovering the groups’ lies and deceptions whilst in prison. These members informed security and religious officials of their decision to repent. They presented the truth to October [...


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