Displaying 311 - 320 of 831.
Critique on IGMF in Frankfurt saying that Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq “defends the application of the death penalty for people who convert from Islam to Christianity” Emotional debates and sensitive stories on conversions in Egypt. The secretary of Pope Benedict expressing his fear about the Islamization of...
The Muftī of Egypt Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah asserted that Muslims are free to change their faith as it is a matter between an individual and God.
al-Sayyid Yāsīn discusses the impact of what he calls the ‘jurisprudence of backwardness’ on the features of every-day life of Islamic societies. He believes that the impact of such narrow-mindedness in applying the Islamic Sharī‘ah affected almost all socio-political, economic and cultural aspects...
Hibah al-Sharqāwī, the author, criticizes the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy for practicing a form of intellectual terrorism when it claims the right to confiscate books not only with Islamic themes but books from all other fields as well.
The author classifies those who issue Fatwás in our modern time into three major categories; scholars with some knowledge about Islam but who refuse to recognize modern needs of the era, scholars who have little knowledge of Islam but who have modern appearances to convince people with what they...
Shaymā’ ‘Abd al-Laṭīf interviewed Dr. Muṣṭafá al-Shak‘ah, member of the Islamic Research Academy, on Islamic-related issues such as his opinion on the recent controversial Fatwás, the role of the academy in censoring books, and the recent calls to purify religious books from weak Ḥadīths.
Ayman ʿĀshūr concluded that everyone must respond strongly to attempts to manipulate religion in order to protect Islam and Christianity. al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī wrote about “Who is responsible for the escalation of the Copts’ crisis?” Discussions about the succession of Pope Shenouda continue.
While the majority of Muslim schools impose the death penalty on people who convert from Islam, the Qur’ān imposes no earthly punishment for conversion, andtheProphet Muhammad never killed anybody for apostasy. In the following lines Muslim thinker Jamāl al-Bannā writes about tolerance in Islam and...
97% of Egyptian women are circumcised. The Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī prohibiting female circumcision, the official rejecting stance of legislative institutions in the country, and the highlighted dangers of the operation seem to have little influence on the conservative traditional opinions of...
An engineer filed a communiqué to the Public Prosecutor demanding to sack the Muftī ‘Alī Jum‘ah and to refer him to a medical committee in order to test his mental ability.


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