Displaying 461 - 470 of 831.
With the attendance of a large number of Egyptian religious and political figures, Bishop Antonius Najīb, 71, was ordained yesterday as the new patriarch of Coptic Catholics in Egypt at the Virgin Mary Cathedral in Nasr City, Cairo.
Azhar clerics reject the court ruling granting the Bahā’is the right to recognize their religion in official papers and deem them apostates.
A few days ago, the Doha Fourth Interfaith Conference opened amidst increasing calls to stress the role of religions in saving humankind from evil.
The minister of Awqāf, Dr. Hamdī Zaqzuq said that the unification of the call to prayers will return the sanctity and spirituality to the call instead of allowing random and noisy voices. He also tried to allay public concern about a possible plan to standardize Friday sermons.
The article deals with an incident in which a woman wearing a niqāb smashed a number of great works by a fine sculptor after a recent fatwa from the muftī saying that statues are not acceptable from a Muslim point of view.
The article focuses on the resignation offered by a professor in the fine arts college over a mounting ultra-religious trend that believes that art is harām [unacceptable from a Muslim point of view].
The government has supplied 4000 recievers to the mosques of Greater Cairo as part of a plan to unify the call to prayer, but some suspect a US plan to unify the Friday sermons and eventually cancel the dawn prayer.
The grand muftī of Egypt sheds light on the reason behind the conflicting and bizarre fatwas perplexing people.
A number of Muslim scholars have urged the Azhar’ s Islamic Research Academy to refute the recent controversial fatwas of the Sudanese spiritual leader, Dr. Hasan al- Turābī.
Deepening dialogue between the Islamic world and the West. Reports about consequences of a fatwa prohibiting statues.


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