Displaying 1461 - 1470 of 1647.
The author writes about the rationalism of Islam. A Muslim has to excel in thinking within the boundaries of the Qur’an for the benefit of the Ummah (world wide community of Muslim believers). The author concludes that the best model of rational thought is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Sheikha Nadia has made a big name for herself among the people and in the local press. Thousands of people from various parts of the country as far field as the south Egyptian town of Aswan flocked to Abbis, a small village near the coastal town of Alexandria. They were after one thing: the...
A nearly forgotten people of the book, the Sabaean sect in Iraq adheres to its traditions while stressing what it has in common with Islam. They prefer to call themselves mindaa’ii "those who know", or Mandaeans, from manda, their word for temple.
A few hundred Jews are left in Yemen. No one seems to know their exact number. No wonder. The last remaining Jews in Yemen are living in remote villages and small towns. Emigration of Jews has continued behind the scenes until at least 1995. The Jewish Agency tried to attract Yemeni Jews to go to...
A Yemeni view on the history of the Jews in Yemen. One of the commonly held beliefs is that the Jews of Yemen are the oldest Jews ever. It is said that they were present in Yemen even before the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC. The article also describes the life of the...
Lebanese intellectuals organized a meeting in support of Lebanese singer and composer Marcel Khalifeh on 5 October, which rapidly turned into a mass rally of 1,500 people demonstrating in favor of freedom of expression. Khalifeh had been the object of a court indictment accusing him of...
The article discusses female genital mutilation among Yemeni females. There is a wide difference between the actual teaching of Islam and what is externally practiced in various Islamic states by Muslims who have at time mixed up customs, traditions and secularism with Islamic teachings.
A reader protests in a letter to the editor about a lady researcher who "ventures to speak of prophets disparagingly by denying their miracles which are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an as ungrounded."
Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be upon Him). They consider Him one of the greatest of God’s messengers to mankind. The Qur`an confirms His virgin birth, and a chapter of the Qur`an is entitled Maryam (Mary).
Sheikh Omar Abd Al-Rahman, the leader and mufti of the Gama’at al-Islamiya, who is now imprisoned in the United States for a life, changed his mind about presenting a request to return to Egypt because he doesn’t want to give up his activities for the Islamic Daawa, the call to Islam.


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