Navigation by week/ title
Most things should be obvious how they work.
Navigating AWR-articles you will mostly begin with the weekly overview you can access here e.g. for 2011-week-22 which looks (e.g.) like this and shows the titles of the articles of one week.
For the previous 10 weeks you can use the links in the right pane which looks somewhat like this:
You access individual articles by clicking on the title of the article
Additionally at the bottom of the list you have a (rather simple) navigation which allows you to navigate
Navigation inside an article
Once in an article you have a similar navigation at the top and the bottom which allows you to navigate by
- > to the next article
- < to the previous article
In addition you can traverse all articles of the same
- publisher by clicking on the publisher link (here click on "Al Ahram") . Please note that this will display a very big number of articles. For publishers search it is better to narrow down the search by using our specialized publishers search form which will allow you to select publisher by year + week
- main category by clicking on the main category link (here click on "Developments in ..) .Same applies here because a big number of articles is in this category. We don't have a spezialized search for that yet.
- location by clicking on the location link (here click on Imbabah). This is the best way to find articles about the same location.
Same applies to all other categories not displayed here.
To search special articles on special topics see page search.
Other ways of accessing articles
Because of the multitude of Arab West Report articles (about 37,000) you can access ArabWest Report (AWR) in different ways depending on your interests.
The front page shows
- on the top part Arab West Report Press Summaries which gives you an overview of latest articles (current week). These articles mostly contain only summaries of Arabic Press articles.
- on the lower part in Arab West Report Analysis you find articles analyzing the background of currrent developments in one way or other. These articles are usually deeper and longer in content.
- If you know the subject of your interest the AWR-index (only available to paying subscribers) gives you access to AWR articles based on a hierarchical system like
- Religious freedom and freedom of expression
- Developments in Islam in the Arab World
- Political Islam
- Traditions and Feast
- If you know the year and week you can access the articles by year and week and then navigate forward and backward.
- If you are interested in articles by certain publishers like Al-Ahram or Al-Dustur you can use the search by publisher option.
- Other options to search by are by
all available through our vocabularies in the lower left menu (only for logged in users).
- Last not least you can simply use the search in the top left area or the advanced search, but be aware that searching can be quite tricky to find the content you are looking for because of e.g. transliteration (link).
In case you need halep please contact us through contact form.
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Quick FAQ:
Q: I can't find the menu with the locations and organizations, the AWR-index
A: This menu only appears to logged-in users. Create an account and login to use this feature. The AWR- index is only availablt to paying subscribers.