Diana and Lydia, both Eritrean refugees with their blue card, told me that they have a good relationship with their embassy. On the one hand, Lydia explained to me that when Sarah, her sister, passed away, they wanted to bury her body in Eritrea because here in Egypt they would have to cremate her without even getting back the ashes. They went to the UNHCR asking for help, but they said that they couldn’t do anything. So they went to the Eritrean Embassy in Cairo and it was really useful in terms of organization and assistance with bureaucracy. Lydia’s sister passed away in March 2021. It was during the COVID-19 pandemic, and there were no flights to Eritrea, but the embassy found a flight, and her sister could be buried in Eritrea. Diana explained that as long as you are legal you can have a good relationship with your embassy. She explained to me that she went to a meeting there and from what she could understand, the Embassy was helping them a lot, especially when they were sick. She also had the feeling that the message that the ambassador wanted to transmit is that they are there for Eritreans. They do not want Eritreans to be treated as inferior in Egypt, so they will really take care of them, even if they have the bluecard. Diana literally said, “If you do not have the Embassy you cannot survive here in Egypt.”