Date of source: Thursday, February 11, 2021
In this article, Egyptian researcher Dr. Kamāl Ḥabīb narrows down ten writings that he believes lay the foundation for using violence and explicitly call for it under the concepts of al-ḥākimiyya [God’s sovereignty], defending Muslim lands, and applying the sharīʿah [Islamic law].
Date of source: Thursday, October 22, 2020
The Council of Senior Scholars at al-Azhar announced details for al-Azhar’s scientific research competition. This competition comes as part of al-Azhar’s responsibilities as a basic reference for Islamic matters and as the intellectual and cultural fortress for the Islamic world. It also comes as...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Al-Azhar's Jurisprudence [fiqh] Committee confirmed that fasting Ramadan [Ramaḍān] is obligatory, emphasizing that as of now, there is no medical evidence proving that fasting leads to getting the novel Coronavirus. The Committee held an emergency meeting with senior doctors, medical specialists...
Date of source: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
On Monday, Egypt held an international conference organized by al-Azhar entitled “al-Azhar’s International Conference for the Renewal of Islamic Thought.” Senior leaders and prominent political and religious figures from all over the world participated in the conference as well different...
Date of source: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
When asked by one of his followers about the reason behind the rapes of women during Islamic wars, Shaykh ‘Abd Allāh Rushdī replied “these are human beings and they have needs,” going on to explain that these needs could not be considered shameful as long as the woman has consented to the sexual...
Date of source: Saturday, May 10, 2014
Ansār Bayt al- Maqdis (terrorist group operating in Sinai) have stated that democracy is a form of infidelity that should be avoided as it destroys Islam.
Date of source: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Al-Azhar Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence, Dr. Saʿd al- Hilālī said that any fatwa issued on equality in inheritance between man and woman is binding only to the one who decides to implement it.
Date of source: Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The muftī of Tunisia Shaykh Hamdah Sa’īd stated that he supports banning the niqāb (face veil) if there is a reason to prevent it. He assured that the four schools of fiqh (jurisprudence), especially the Malikī school state that the niqāb is preferred by Sunnah (prophet’s teachings), but that the...
Date of source: Friday, February 7, 2014
Dr. Muhamad Mukhtār Jum’ah, the Minister of Endowments, stated the phenomena of calling people infidels has recently increased. This is caused by political interests and objectives. It is not based on a religious foundation. Rather it is used by those who know nothing of religion (Ahmad – al...