Displaying 51 - 60 of 106.
Roadmap for religious reform Al-Azhar, which has resisted and persecuted those who have attempted to reform Islam since the end of the 19th century, is now being called upon by Egypt’s president to do what they have long suppressed:. reforming Islam. The response of the sheikhs of al-Azhar has been...
The fatwá is commonly known in the West as a death sentence. Among Muslims, the fatwá can be among the most powerful tools of Islamic populism. On a third front, the fatwá is simply a bureaucratic function. Which definition encompasses reality?  
The Muslim Brotherhood set Egyptian politics ablaze with their decision to nominate their chief financier, Khairat al-Shātir, for the presidency. All political groups recognize the right of the group to do so but many have criticized them harshly, recalling their promise from early in the...
This is the very question many people are asking about the Muslim Brotherhood following the Egyptian Revolution of January 25, 2011. While the world was enthralled by a peaceful youth movement to overthrow a corrupt regime, many feared then, and more fear now, that the aftermath will result in...
Scholars of Islamic sharī'ah and the Azhar agreed that Shaykh Mahmūd 'Āmir, the chairman of the Ansār al-Sunnah al-Muhammadīyah (Supporters of the Prophet's Sunnah) Association in Damanhūr, was not right in his fatwa prohibiting voting in the elections for Muslim candidates who do not observe daily...
Dr. Hamdī Hasan, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), warned that there is a conspiracy against the second article of the Egyptian constitution that states '...Islamic Sharī'ah is the principal source of legislation". He said that the MB will have to use force [Reviewer's Note: in...
Arab-West Report, April 1, 2011 Title: Interview with Ibrāhīm al-Huḍaybī (former member of the Muslim Brotherhood and political activist) about the current situation in Egypt Authors: Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Arndt Emmerich and Judit Kuschnitzki Introduction of Ibrāhīm  al-Huḍaybī: I am Ibrāhīm al-...
In her speech during the Islamic Thinking Forum, Su'ād Sālih, professor of comparative fiqh at the Azhar University, criticized the state of weakness the Islamic nation has reached. Sālih told al-Misrī al-Yawm that she does not regret joining al-Wafd Party.
Dr. Muḥammad al-Shahhāt al-Jindī , Secretary of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, requested that all Fatwás be approved by the Islamic Fiqh Academy, due to the rise of what he called “Kiosk Fatwás”. Al-Jindī said that these incorrect Fatwás, such as those issued via satellite channels...
Dāwūd talks about a fatwá prohibiting women from working as cashiers. The ruling was issued by the Saudi Arabian Council for Fatwá and Research and consequently opposed by a press campaign publishing previous fatwás by the council permitting women to work as cashiers. Dāwūd claims that this is the...


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