Displaying 91 - 100 of 106.
Contrary to the expectations of many, the muftī of the republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a has apologized for not participating in the newly-formed Interfaith Dialogue Committee affiliated with the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy.
The article is an interview with the Mufti of Egypt. He comments on many topics including, giving fatwas, the relation between politics and giving fatwas, jihad, religious discourse, the US intervention in religious issues and educational curricula, dialogue with the other, the ideological...
There are a variety of often contradictory fatwas being issued on television, but the author argues that such disagreement is normal and should not worry Muslims, given that the imāms of the four schools of Islam frequently disagreed over the details of religious matters.
Some of the scholars in the dormant Muslim world are busying themselves with only saying all that is new is Haram [unlawful according to the Islamic shari’a.] In fact, some Muslims still believe that the Internet, satellite channels, women’s perfume are haram, at a time our peers on earth live the...
It was an astonishing and embarrassing episode to see the absence of the Arab World from the battle for an academic boycott of Israeli universities. Only Palestinian academics pursued the efforts to continue the British academic boycott against Israeli academia.
Al-Ahrar devoted a whole page to the statements given by the Sheikh of the Azhar, Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi and the Mufti concerning attacking Israeli civilians. The paper also asked some Islamic intellectuals their opinions in that respect.
Some authorized jurists declared that Islam forbids attacking the Dhimmis and the civilians and urges on protecting the human being. Such statements are, for sure, correct. However, it cannot be applied to the situation in Israel.
Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradwi was harshly attacked because of his fatwa allowing non-Muslim women who have converted to Islam to stay with their non-Muslim husbands. The author believes that ijtihad should suit the spirit of the age and the tolerance of Islam. Otherwise, Muslims will be representing an...
Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi expressed the opinion that giving fatwas to Muslims, regarding their personal and general affairs is not limited to the Mufti and that all scholars share this with him. The Mufti believes that all Muslim scholars are allowed to give fatwas, but there are guidelines. He said...
The Mufti issued a statement to explain the real meaning of his Fatwa concerning the legality of defending a spy and to declare that what was written in Al-Masa’i paper in this respect was untrue. The author commented on this saying that the Mufti should have done this earlier and not after readers...


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