Displaying 71 - 80 of 738.
From July 26 to July 7, the Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development and the Center for Arab-West Understanding, jointly administered a highly successful intercultural summer school. The school was sponsored through the SGP party (Reformed Political Party) in the Netherlands, who support...
Thank you for inviting me to this conference organized by UN Global Compact in the "Private Sector's Contribution in Supporting Interfaith Understanding" session. It is a great honor to be with you and I see this as a recognition for the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation work in our...
This text is a translation of the Menno Simons lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, November 2014. It was later published under the title “Vreedzaam vechten is de weg” (Peaceful fighting is the way) in the magazine 'Streven,' October 2015. It later was translated for and published by Arab-West...
The 2014 Egyptian Constitution; Perspectives from Egypt
On September 18th, we met in the Christian Reformed Church of Den Haag in the Netherlands Mrs. Rekaya al-Hafi [Rūqaīya al-Ḥāfī] from Tunisia. She is preparing for participation in the Tunisian presidential elections of 2019. She is going into the elections as a humanitarian activist, and works on...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) started a Learning Center because it discovered that many African children in Cairo have big learning gaps. They had, thus far, no place to go to. For Egyptians, there is compulsory education. Syrian refugees are able to make use of the Egyptian school...
Dr. Muḥī al-Dīn ʿAfīfī, secretary of the Islamic Research Academy, called for the unity of the world and the importance of dialogue for promoting peaceful coexistence, particularly at this time in which religion is abused. 
Editor AWR: The Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT) is attracting a lot of young graduates who lack work experience. It is hard for young graduates who lack the network of a well-to-do family to find work. But once they have obtained work experience their changes on the labor...
Dr. Janneke Stegeman’s call for ecumenism with Islam is sympathetic. The problem, however, is the blend of religion and politics. Rulers/governments tend to make use of religion for their own benefit. Religious leaders, on the other hand, try to win the support of the political leaders of their...
Eildert Mulder takes issue with Janneke Stegeman’s claim of “the myth of religiously motivated violence.” Of course, there is more than only religiously motivated violence, but Islamic extremists have demonstrated that Islamic inspired violence exists, however much this is despised by the great...


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