Displaying 271 - 280 of 500.
Arab-West relations have been one of the most controversial relationships in the international arena for decades.
Egypt's workers played a major role in the surge of protests that swept across the country in the 2000s, leading to the undermining and eventual fall of the regime of Husni Mubārak in 2011. Despite subsequent regime crackdowns on domestic dissent, the independent labor movement continued its...
Al-Jazeera prominent journalist Ahmad Mansūr criticized the written statement of British Prime Minister David Cameron in which he described the Muslim Brotherhood “as possible indicator of extremism”. 
The fight against IS must also be fought in ideological terms. Egyptian Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Salah, who speaks the language of Salafi Muslims, is eager to play a role in this effort. This is the background of my contribution to the Op Ed page in Trouw.  
Al-Azhar which has resisted and persecuted those who have attempted to reform Islam since the end of the 19th century, is now being called upon by Egypt’s president to do what they have long suppressed:. reforming Islam. The response of the shaykhs of al-Azhar has been to announce conferences and...
Honouring Charlie Hebdo supports terrorism Mohammed Muchtār Gamʿaa, Minister of the Awqāf Ministry, criticises that the 2015 award for journalistic integrity and courage went to the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. To award a magazine that does not respect religious feelings is synonymous with...
A yearly meeting for Muslims concludes in France with 50,000 participants   On Monday, the 32nd annual meeting for Muslims in France closed in the suburb of Le Bourget in Paris. The event lasted for three days and was organized by the Union of Islamic Organizations in France (non-profit). The title...
American President: Muslims in Egypt have protected churches with their lives During a speech at a conference in Washington DC on combatting extremism, US President Barack Obama said, "we cannot let extremist [takfīrī] organizations destroy our societies." He asked nations to call for understanding...
Dār al- Iftā’ confirmed to join terrorist and extremist groups is harām.
The relationship between expatriates living in Egypt and Ramadan can be a love-hate relationship. Some might argue that Ramadan is the ‘most unproductive month of the year’. People work less hours and businesses can get a bit slow. On the other hand, however, very few can deny the level of...


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