Displaying 611 - 620 of 932.
Editor: AWR received this text before President Mubarak announced he would step down. Nothing in the media indicated that this could happen tonight, yet it did.   Ever since the demonstrations began on January 25, men of religion have been stressing the importance of them not being transformed from...
 Ahmad al-Ghazūlī believe that there has to be Islamic secularity that build so that a Muslim Democratic party can be built above it, that can interact and not only coexist with non-muslims. He proposed the idea of establishing a Muslim secularity that excludes the fake Muslim Brotherhood...
Khālid Muntasir writes about the alleged discovery that camel urine can be used to treat cancer. In a mocking tone, Muntasir points out that many Arabs experienced a sense of achievement at such a discovery. Muntasir alleges that some of this excitement is rooted in the fact that a Hadīth mentions...
The article mentions an Internet campaign working to fight sectarian tensions and foster Muslim-Christian unity. The campaign was developed by prominent Islamic telepreacher ‘Amr Khālid after sectarian and inflammatory comments were posted on social networking websites. According to the report,...
Former Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary candidate Majdī ‘Āshūr told al-Dustūr that he respects the group’s decision of him not representing them in parliament and that he will continue to serve the people of al-Nuzhah district as an independent member. He said that he has been under a lot of...
According to the Egyptian Gazette, Alexandria prosecutors are looking into the death of an Islamist suspected of being tortured to death for his suspected involvement in the recent Alexandria church bombing.
Thousands of Egyptian Muslims and Christians joined together in Cairo to protest and condemn the attack against the Two Saints Church, Saint Mark and Pope Peter on New Year's Day. They also called for national unity and solidarity. Similar protests also took place in other Egyptian cities....
‘Abd al-Dāyīm Nusayr, counselor to the Grand Imām, says that the Azhar spends 40 million pounds of Zakāh funds annually, which benefits 13 million poor or sick Egyptians. He added that there are three season when the aid is primarily spent: ‘Īd al-adhá, Ramadān, and the birthday of the Prophet...
Columnist Barry Rubin provides his own analysis of the recent poll by the Pew Foundation regarding Middle Eastern attitudes toward Islamist groups. The poll claims that 30% of Egyptians support Hizb Allāh, 49% are favorable toward Hamas, and 20% think positively of al-Qā‘idah. According to Rubin,...
‘Umaymah ‘Abd al-'Azīz writes about the so-called "fatwá channels," saying that they contradict the basic tenets of religion because of their exaggeration and lack of forgiveness. She added that the satellite channels in question did not care about Egypt's well-being or security, but only looked to...


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