Displaying 631 - 640 of 932.
Ismailia police concentrated its presence in East Kantara out of fear of sectarian violence after a Coptic woman, Nisma Gamal Anwar, went missing briefly following her conversion to Islam. Police interrogated Zaki Al-Akkad, the father of one of Nisma's friends, about Nisma's whereabouts as he is...
Dr. ‘Isām al-‘Uryān reviews Dr. Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī’s new book about jihād in Islam.
Iqbāl Barakah, in this article, seeks to shed light on the secularism spreading and over-controlling the Turkish Constitution. She reflects on one of the articles of the Turkish constitution which prohibits the study of the Qur'ān for children under twelve years of age . 
This article outlines the issue of religious veils in Europe and the supposed danger they pose to the society.
This article considers the idea of the civil state and the relationship between religion and secularization; looking at if they are compatible in a country such as Egypt. The article also outlines the relationship between religious parties like the Muslim Brotherhood and secular elites.
With the tensions that have escalated between the West and the Islamic world since the September 11th attacks, foreign governments have advocated for a reform of religious education in Muslim-majority countries.
This article deals with the new refusal of mosques to allow Sūfī prayers.
On April 8 Tariq Ramadan delivered his first public address in the U.S. since the Bush administration revoked his visa in 2004. Ramadan in known for his ability to speak favorably to both leftists and Islamists. However some have derided Ramadan as much more radical than he initially appears. Other...
This article deals with the issue of the burqa in non-Muslim countries, more notably, and the focus of this article, within Belgium. The burqa is said to be a security risk to many, because faces cannot be seen, but it is also a personal rights issue. Recently, there has been discussion of a draft...
In 2000, after violent protests against it, the anti-Islamic book translated as A Banquet for Seaweed was banned in Egypt. The widespread nature of the protests reflects the domination of religious thought in Egypt; however, the book was defended by Syrian author Hilmī al-Nimnim.   According to al-...


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