Displaying 161 - 170 of 1273.
This interview  report reflects a brief discussion on August 5, 2018, between Libyan representatives (Mr. Abdulmajid Zuwama Alothmani [ʿAbd al-Majīd Zūwāmah alʿUthmānī], former Minister of Agriculture and current PDG of Libyan Petrol and Gas),  Mr Ahmed Shawki Mansour [Aḥmad Shawqī Manṣūr], the GM...
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) issued a decision forming an advisory council, which is to discuss the two laws on presidential elections and the lineup of the constituent assembly on the constitution.
A father accused his son, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, of conspiring with others in the organization to bomb the Father Church and the Physical Education Faculty for women in Alexandria (Nashwá Fārūq, al-Shurūq, Dec. 5, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic. 
Nothing seems to bother the Muslim Brotherhood. Apparently, not even a piece of news shakes President Mursī’s emotions. He and his group go ahead with their agendas without any change in their position. One has the feeling that even if a nuclear bomb threatens to erupt, they, nevertheless, will...
The Egyptian Church has denied accusations levelled against it by the Muslim Brotherhood, claiming that it had mobilized Copts to vote against the draft constitution during the first round of the referendum which took place last Saturday (15 December).
Dr. Najīb Jubrā'īl, Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, said that the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to enforce the Church name in the current events even though the Church did not interfere in politics and did not incite Copts to do anything (referring to protests off the...
In Shubrā, Muslims and Christians united against the Constitution.
Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayādī, head of the Evangelical Church in Egypt, stressed that Church withdrawal form the Constituent Assembly was due to not including Copts in the Constitution although they are half of the community. 
The Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Office and the Freedom and Justice Party headquarters in al-Muqattam lifted the Emergency Law to monitor closely the referendum in ten governorates.
Independent human rights organizations, monitoring the referendum over the draft Constitution, detected several attempts of preventing Copts from voting.


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