This interview report reflects a brief discussion on August 5, 2018, between Libyan representatives (Mr. Abdulmajid Zuwama Alothmani [ʿAbd al-Majīd Zūwāmah alʿUthmānī], former Minister of Agriculture and current PDG of Libyan Petrol and Gas), Mr Ahmed Shawki Mansour [Aḥmad Shawqī Manṣūr], the GM at the International Marketing Department of Libya’s National Oil Company, Tunisian humanitarian activist Ms. Rekaya elHafy [Rūqaīya al-Ḥāfī], and Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-Chief of Arab West Report, together with a group of interns from the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU). This meeting followed an earlier consultation with former Libyan Ambassador Bubaker (Omar) Hamed, Ms. Rekaya el-Hafy and Cornelis Hulsman. The participants propose a peace conference to end the civil war in Libya. The Libyans would, in fact, like two conferences, one in Egypt and one in the Netherlands to involve European countries into ending the war that has already claimed too many lives. The officials responded to three main questions: clarification of different parties involved in the civil war, the issue of how these parties are to be brought to the negotiating table, and a reflection over the crisis that demands urgent intervention. Lorena Stancu later used this for a report about peace building in Libya.
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Lorena Stancu is a journalist graduate completing a Master in International Journalism at Cardiff University, UK, who interned with the Center for Arab-West Understanding in Egypt. During her studies she interviewed Dr Neil Quilliam, Energy Expert and Senior Research Fellow in MENA region, Chatham House, London; Mr Nedal Swehli, Executive Manager of Diwan Marketing Research, public opinion research company based in Tripoli, Libya and Ms Riahnnon Smith, Managing Director Libya Analysis.