Displaying 211 - 220 of 220.
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
It is true that there is a general attitude of respect to the Christian faith, but this respect refers only to the Islamic perception of how Christianity should be, not the way it is. The fact that a new chapter about the Coptic era has recently been introduced in the Social Studies and History...
Our new boardmember Dr. Wolfram Reiss responded to the summary of an article of Rose el-Youssef (RNSAW, 2002, week 39A, art. 6) and wondered whether the Iqbal el-Saba´i, the author of the article had correctly presented the views of bishop Mounir, head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt, and sheikh...
Bat Ye´or wrote about jihad with political implications. This is enough to make one expect partiality in tone. The current situation in the Palestinian territories is another factor that influences the way many write about Jihad. By contrast to what Ye´or says, Islam does ask its adherents to...
A critique of the controversial work of researcher Yustina Saleh on the 2nd article of the Egyptian constitution, which states that sharī‘a is the main source of law.
The supreme administrative court supported the ruling of the Governor of Cairo to dissolve the Azhar Scholars Front and to form a temporary administrative council.
The author explained that the meaning of the word Copt means Egyptian and not Christian. That is only an invention of Christians which was accepted by some Muslim Egyptian intellectuals. He conclude his article by asking the Ministers of Education and Higher Education to review the place of Coptic...
Subtitle: In Western media, every Muslim is a terrorist or another Khomeini At the Al-Albeit University, north of the Jordanian capital Amman, scholars from 90 Islamic and Arabic universities gathered to discuss the challenges facing the Islamic world. One of the most important challenges discussed...
[This article appeared in Al-Ahram, June 16, 1999] The Egyptian press has for years revealed the corruption taking place in universities and criticized officials for not taking a positive action towards this dangerous phenomenon. The corruption is not limited to students but has spread to include...
The Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Bahaa’ Al-Din insists that the existing educational syllabuses are against extremism, addiction and ethnic discrimination, and teach tolerance and that while there is a deficiency in some syllabuses he has charged d the Higher Committee for History with the...


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