Displaying 31 - 40 of 363.
The Union of Coptic Organisations has called on Europe to bring down the Egypt’s first elected President. The Union, which was prominent among supporters of Ahmad Shafīq during the presidential elections, said that civil society has to support demonstrators who want President Mursī to stand down...
The funeral of Karīm Jirjis, a Copt who was shot dead when he was in the vicinity of the Presidential Palace, took place on Thursday (Dec. 6) at Virgin Mary and Saint Stephen Church in Shubrā el Khaymah. 
The Copts for the Nation Movement in Alexandria called on all segments of the society to place Egypt above all. Walā' 'Azīz, the vice president of the movement stated that everyone should be aware that Egypt's future is at stake; the future constitution is the constitution of the revolution, thus,...
The Coptic Orthodox Church is maintaining its position regarding Mursī’s decrees today (November 24) as Bishop Pachomius and Pope Tawadros II are meeting to discuss the constitutional declaration while Coptic activists termed the decrees as a “setback that marks the beginning of the division of...
Some experts said other countries like Canada, Australia and the United States would walk in the footsteps of the Netherlands in order to help Copts to pack up and leave through facilities offered in the embassies of those countries in Egypt.
Yet another episode of attempts to bring Egypt in an awkwardly embarrassing situation is fostered by expatriate Copts to press the current regime that is only less than 100 days in power coupled with resounding tones about Copts’ rights to seek asylum to the Netherlands. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-...
Nādir al-Sirafī, a spokesman for the 1938 Copts League, which advocates divorce and remarriage in Christianity, called  for applying the Islamic sharī’ah on all Egyptians in personal status affairs, asserting the importance of having a general law applicable to all Egyptians without exception.
The Association of Victims of Abduction and Enforced Disappearance (AVAED) condemned a statement by the Salafī Front on Monday (October 29) and remarks by its politburo member Khālid al-Misrī regarding a Christian minor who “disappeared” a few days ago. [Muhammad Hassūnah, Sa’īd Hijāzī and...
Rūmānī Jād al-Rabb, a Coptic activist and Vice-Chairman of the al-Kalima (Word) for Human Rights, accused officials of “foot-dragging” on bringing to justice the persons involved in the October 9, 2011 clashes outside the state TV & radio building in Maspero, which left more than 20 people...
For the past 40 years, the church has been Copts’ sole refuge and Pope Shenouda III has been a religious leader and political intellectual thinking for all the congregation that the Christians have come down to only one person, the late patriarch. 


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