Displaying 71 - 80 of 265.
On Thursday, April 11, the heads of the Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical, and Episcopal Churches held a meeting at the papal headquarters at St. Mark Cathedral in ʿAbāssiyya in the hopes of ending the harmful personal status crisis.  The meeting was presided over by Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Patriarch ...
Nabīl Ghabriyyāl, a Coptic lawyer in cassation, called on church representatives, who recently met to discuss the new personal status bill for non-Muslims (the new family law for Copts), to draw up a text organizing the distribution of inheritance for Christians.   
This article first appeared in Pokrof in 2011 under the title Strakke Koptische Huwelijkswetgeving leidt tot spanningen; binnenkerkelijk, politiek en interreligieus.  AWR reader Dr. Rachel Scott, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies in the Department of Religion and Culture at Virginia Tech...
Jīhān al-Sādāt, wife of the late President Muḥammad Anwār al-Sādāt, is considered one of the most important advocates for Egyptian women’s rights in history. She was a lecturer at Cairo University, was a visiting professor at the American University in Cairo, and a lecturer at South Carolina State...
MP Zaynab Sālim said in a press statement today that the parents have the right to care for and live with their children after separation.
The BBC has exposed horrific violations against Chinese Uyghur Muslims, this time concerning children.
Counselor ʾAhmad Fuʾād Qāsim called for merging the draft personal status laws proposed by a number of parties, including Al-Azhar, the National Council for Women and Al-Wafd Party.
After 57 years of demands by the Coptic Orthodox Church to the state for the adoption of a unified personal status law, the Christian communities finally agreed on a draft law, to solve the Coptic crisis of “divorce and the second marriage.”  
The Official Spokesperson of the Coptic Catholic Church Hanī Bakhūm revealed the details of the meeting held by the leaders of the Christian denominations in the Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of ‘Abbassīa attended by the legal advisers of all the denominations to reach a unified draft for...
Jamīl Halīm, the Catholic Church’s legal advisor, said that the transfer of the project of Coptic Personal Status laws to the government would be complete by mid-May next year. This will pave the way toward submitting it to the House of Representatives.


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