Displaying 361 - 370 of 385.
The author, who is the press advisor of Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria, reviews some of the Pope’s main characteristics.
Egyptian press showing struggles in how to deal with rumors and emotions. Pope Benedict XVI used a quote of a Byzantine emperor in a surprisingly harsh form.
Patriarch Stefanos’s resignation and the election of a new patriarch reflect the democratic climate the Catholic Church in Egypt is enjoying, contrary to other churches in Egypt.
With the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Antonius Najīb has been ordained as patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt, succeeding Cardinal Stephanos II Ghattās who resigned for health reasons.
Between October 10, 1998 and October 2002 80 permits had been given for restauration, 9 for renovation and 3 for completely rebuilding a church (tearing it to the ground and rebuilding it again). Six more permits have been requested and are now being processed.
Pope Shenouda began investigations with directing editor of the Sunday School Magazine, over an article written by monk Basilius of Monastery of Macarios. The pope will personally investigate Basilius, who believes popes should be free from public political activities and completely devoted to the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church started the fasting of the Holy Virgin on August 8 which continues until August 22. Most churches are celebrating the 15 days, particularly the churches where the Virgin Mary is said to have passed by. These churches include the Church of Virgin in...
Muslim leaders in Europe demanded the destruction of a fresco picturing Mohammed naked while an angel prepares to torture him. The Italian Muslims’ Union sent statements to Pope John Paul II expressing their annoyance about the fresco on a wall in a Bologna Cathedral.
The author, who is the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, comments on the Birth of Christ saying that it was the birth of peace, love, equality among mankind and a starting point for a new humanity that forms one family whose father is God. He asked God to keep president Mubarak safe and healthy and...
This is the text of a lecture delivered in London by the general administrator of the Latin Catholic Church in Jerusalem, Father William Shomali, representing Latin Catholic Patriarch Michel Sabah of Jerusalem, during the investiture of the Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulcher of England and...


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