Displaying 111 - 120 of 183.
Background:  Tūjān al-Faīṣal, the first female member of the Jordanian parliament, is being interviewed and talks about her background, the effects that the Israeli-Jordan peace treaty has on Jordan politics and democracy, pluralism and the role of intelligence in Jordan, legal and judicial...
Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is peaceful but yet overpopulation creates a tremendous strain on the limited...
Background:Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is peaceful but yet overpopulation creates a tremendous strain on...
Background: The following tape concerns a recording for an EO radiobroadcast of Cornelis Hulsman interviewing a Jordan politician; ʿAbd al-Raʾūf al-Rawābdah in 1995; he became the Prime Minister of Jordan in 1999. The interview is in regards to the Jordan-Israeli peace settlements. The rest of the...
Background:Three different subjects are addressed in the following recording:

ʾUmayya Ṭūqān, a Jordanian economist and later Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan is talking at a press conference about the upcoming second edition of the MENA summit. The summit was initiated by U.S. and Russian...
Background: Yemeni Minister of Tourism, Dr. ʿAbd al-Ṣarāfi and Yemeni officials accompanying him, speak about Western tourism to Yemen, investment opportunities and economy. He particularly addresses concerns over tourists’ safety in light of recent kidnappings, Yemeni agriculture, and the...
Background: John Wesley is a mission director at perhaps one of the largest international aid mission in the world; United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The organization provides economic development as well as humanitarian assistance around in the world with respect to...
Background: The recording is of a radio broadcast for Dutch radio regarding Secretary-General Dr. Buṭrus Buṭrus Ghālī who speaks at the European Parliament about wanting to see more European countries getting politically involved in the United Nations. A fragment of the interview between Cornelis...
Background: Dayr al-Sulṭān is a monastery located on top of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox community claims to be their heritage. The rest of the tape consists of several interviews with employees of Dutch port business, Slavenburg & Huyser B.V...
Background:  This recording concerns the history of Red Sea tourism in Egypt, the preservance of the eco-system in relation to tourism and the drop in tourism following the Luxor massacre of 1997. A German-Egyptian couple outlines their hotel business’ rise at the Egyptian Red Sea coast. In a press...


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