Displaying 1 - 10 of 152.
The past few months witnessed two noticeable attacks in the media on Imam Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, Shaykh of al-Azhar. Last February, al-Ṭayyib was harshly criticized after old statements of his were discussed again and interpreted to permit “wife beating”. On that day, Dār al-Iftāʾ tweeted, via its...
The Egyptian Coalition for Human Rights and Development (ECHRD) condemned the terrorist attacks of the Taliban on the cities of Afghanistan, which have resulted in the deaths and injuries of thousands of civilians. As the Taliban took control of the capital, Kabul, 241,000 people were forced to...
A number of doctors in the Munira [al-Munīra] Hospital in Cairo threatened to resign after the death of the doctor Walīd Yaḥiyā who had been tested positive for the Coronavirus but did not receive sufficient treatment. Yaḥiyā’s death is not an individual case.  Within the last 24 hours four doctors...
27 days have passed since the well-known leftist human rights activist ʿAlāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ began his hunger strike in Ṭurah prison, which is located in the south of Cairo.  al-Fattāḥ’s mother, the maths teacher at Cairo university and political activist, Laylā Suwayf, fights to bring medicine and...
“Imagine you enter a war and you capture some of the enemy’s soldiers. Those captured have now become your prisoners and one of them has a heart attack. Will you let the person die or take him to hospital? Law, religion, and humanity oblige you to take the suffering person to a hospital and safe...
The Egyptian State Information Service released a statement regarding a report published by the British newspaper “The Guardian”  last Sunday. According to the SIS, the report included fake numbers surrounding the cases of Corona in Egypt. 
The Israeli Center for Near East Policy Research reviewed more than one hundred text books that are used in Palestinian schools. The writer Nurit Yohanan pointed out that the results clearly demonstrate that the upcoming generations of Palestinians are taught to hate Israel. The school curricula of...
On Friday, the Egyptian security forces arrested the researcher Patrick George Zaki [Pātrīk Jūrj Zakī] at Cairo Airport after he had flown there from Italy. Following his arrest, he disappeared until Saturday afternoon when he stood before the al-Manṣūra prosecution in al-Daqhaliyyah governorate.
Cornelis Hulsman became interested in the Israeli movement for peace between Israelis and Palestinians early on in his career. He was born into a Dutch Christian Reformed family deeply interested in Israel and convinced that the modern State of Israel was based on Biblical prophecies that God would...
In this article, the author reflects on how Islamists at a recent summit in Kuala Lumpur are focusing their efforts around the concept of “thinking about the Muslim Nation” [al-tafkīr bil-umma].  The author discusses the dangers of such a policy as enacted in Sudan and highlights the contradictions...


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