Displaying 61 - 70 of 1449.
On Monday, 698 tourists from various countries around the globe visited the historic city of Saint Catherine in the Sinai Peninsula. They visited several important religious, spiritual, and tourist sites in and around the city, including Mount Sinai and the Holy Valley. The city of Saint Catherine...
During an episode of the Ramaḍān TV series, Risālat al-Imām, which tells the life story of one of the four great sunni Imāms, Imām al-Shāfiʿī, the topic of inheritance within Islamic sharīʿa was addressed. Within Islamic sharīʿa, the ḥadīth of the Prophet Muḥammad are held as the guiding...
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew, 17:20)  
The Senate Committee on Tourism, Antiquities, Culture and Information, chaired by Dr. Maḥmūd Muslim, has continued its discussion of the study submitted by MP Suhā Saʿīd, Under-Secretary of the Senate Committee on Culture, Tourism, Antiquities and Information, and Secretary of the Coordination of...
Egyptians and historians have rejected the proposed change of St. Catherine's official name to that of “the Greatest manifestation” (al-Tajallī al-Aʿẓam). They emphasized that to do so is to erase the popular and Egyptian identity associated with this name by which the site has been known...
The al-Azhar conference hall hosted ceremonies to congratulate the winners of the “Heritage of Imām al-Māturīdī” research contest. The ceremony was attended by the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Shaykh Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, as well as leaders from various research organizations. The contest was implemented...
On Sunday, the shrine of Imām ʿĀlī ibn Abī Ṭālib in Najaf, Iraq announced the participation of more than two million visitors in the commemoration of the birth of Imām ʿĀlī over the weekend. 
Dr. Aḥmed Zāyed, director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, visited Dr. Aḥmed al-Ṭayyeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, today (Nov. 25) at the headquarters of Al-Azhar. During the visit, they agreed to sign a joint cooperation protocol between the Library of Alexandria and Al-Azhar for preserving historical...
In email correspondence. Imām Fāḍl Sulaymān responded to our earlier discussion about the Covenant of ʿUmar, also known as the Capitulations of ʿUmar since I was working on a paper on my correspondence with late Dutch scholar Dr. Hans Jansen (1942-2015).  Jansen argued that the code of ‘Umar and...
In the presence of a group of religious and political leaders, XploreNations Bible College, in partnership with the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) , held a symposium on the doctoral thesis “Pope Shinūda III (1923-2012): a historical study”, which was obtained by the researcher in...


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