Displaying 61 - 70 of 324.
Article about a group of Westerners living in Siwa oasis. Siwa Oasis lies on the fringes of the Republic; yet an unexpected community has made it their home. 
Background:In this press conference the Governor of Alexandria, Chancellor ʾIsmāʿīl al-Jawsaqī, answers question on recent developments in the governorate and his views for the future of the city.Side A:The Governor of Alexandria discusses some of the problems Alexandria faces and the efforts being...
Background: Hans Koolstra and his family were kidnapped in Yemen in 1999. He tells the Dutch radio program ‘Tijdsein’ about the release of his family. The exact date of the interview is not known but it was shortly after the interview of Cornelis Hulsman with Dr. Truus Wierdsma. For more...
Background: Islamic preacher Yūsuf al-Badrī talked about the characteristics of a preacher and the sources of legislation in Egyptian society. He also talked about the case of liberal Islamic thinker, Naṣr Abū Zayd and criticized his books. The questions were asked and answered in Arabic. For more...
Background: Ṣaīdā, Samīra and Hind are Dutch students, studying Arabic at Leiden University in the Netherlands. All three are originally from Morocco and are now on exchange in Egypt. They share their experiences of living in Egypt and compare it to their Arab heritage. Furthermore, Majdī Ḥussaīn,...
Background: At the ninth United Nations Congress on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders, central issues were discussd regarding the spread of organized crime and the dangers posed by its international tendencies. The conference was held in Cairo from 29 April to 8 May 1995. It...
Background: Dayr al-Sulṭān is a monastery located on top of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox community claims to be their heritage. The rest of the tape consists of several interviews with employees of Dutch port business, Slavenburg & Huyser B.V...
Background: Maḥjūb al-Tijānī is the president of the Sudan Human Rights Organisation in the branch of Cairo and Ḥamūd Fātḥā al-Raḥman, the secretary general of the same organization, discuss the atrocities of the al-Turābī/al-Bashīr regime, and the means by which the Sudanese people are dealing...
Sawsan Jabrah Ayyūb Khalīl (Sawsan Gabra) was born in 1963 in Alexandria, Egypt. Jabrah became involved in intercultural and interfaith dialogue when she returned to Egypt with her husband and co-founder of Arab-West Report (founded in 1997); Cornelis Hulsman. Gabra is Coptic Orthodox. She actively...


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