Displaying 11 - 20 of 37.
On December 11 the SGP-delegation met with Coptic Catholic Bishop Qultah to hear his opinions following the tensions between Islamists and non-Islamists over the Constitution.  Diana Serodio translated from French into English. Following an introduction by Bishop Qultah SGP, delegation members...
Cornelis Hulsman was asked to speak about Matthew 25:35-36, where Jesus said “For I was hungry and you gav
As an intern at the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation, my main aim has been to foster intercultural relations between the West and the Arab world. Integrated in a research team, I had the opportunity to delve into precise topics (such as the issue of mosque building in Egypt), and...
There is no doubt that what the Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik did was terrorism, viewed by the Arab nations as an ascension of the European ultra-rightist’ groups. A number of extreme Islamists' websites mentioned that Breivik’s website proves his ultra-rightist’ orientation...
  Anders Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian, has confessed to killing at least 92 people at a youth camp and seven in a bomb attack outside a government building in Oslo, Norway. As Norwegian authorities investigate Breivik's motives, a document and a short video produced by the suspect have...
A De-radicalization Conference was held on 2-3 December 2009 in the Golden Tulip Flamingo Hotel, Cairo. The conference was hosted by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. About 12 papers were presented, mostly by Egyptians, but with contributions from Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom. In...
Professor Harald Suermann visited the CIDT office and delivered a lecture about Christian attitudes toward Muslims during the Umayad era. An article also reflects on a Gallup poll that states that Egypt is the most religious country in the world.
The article reflects on the success of the Ninth International Conference of Coptic studies and describes the wealth of new information about Coptic issues that was discussed at the conference.
The author talks about a symposium that was held in Spain to discuss the role of religions in the building of peace and praises King ‘Abd Allah Bin ‘Abd al-‘Azīz and Mr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza for their contributions to interfaith dialogue.
The article shows the reasons and repercussions to the recent republication of one of the 12 blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in many Danish and European newspapers just one day after Danish police declared that it foiled a plot to murder the cartoonist.


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