Displaying 1 - 10 of 76.
Remarks by Cornelis Hulsman, founding editor of AWR-DAB, at a conference in Madrid on Palestinian detainees held on September 30 - October 1, 2023.
The Catholic Church is celebrating the anniversary of the death of St. Dominic (d.1221), the priest and founder of the Dominican order in the Catholic church.
Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ͑Arabī (1165-1240) was a renowned Ṣūfī philosopher, poet, and sage. He is considered one of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers and is often referred to by his disciples and students, as well as other Ṣūfīs, as “al-Shaykh al-Akbar” (The Greatest Master). The Ṣūfī Order of al-...
An interview with Jordi, well-known in Cairo’s Khan al-Khalili district for the four souvenir shops he owns in this part of Cairo. Jordi is the son of the late Muhammad Abdul Abni who was also a trader in the Khan al-Khalili. Jordi tells how he started this business when he was young. It includes...
This year Easter celebrations will take place without the traditional processions and without church services because of the continuing spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. This weekend hundreds of millions of Protestants and Catholics around the world follow the religious ceremonies from their homes. 
The authorities in Belgium raised security alert in the country, as well as in other European countries to take similar steps, as angry reactions are expected to follow the broadcast of the new movie offending Islam.
This text is a translation of the Menno Simons lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, November 2014. It was later published under the title “Vreedzaam vechten is de weg” (Peaceful fighting is the way) in the magazine 'Streven,' October 2015. It later was translated for and published by Arab-West...
In this press conference, the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, ʿAmrū Muḥammad Mūsā, talks about the-then upcoming MENA Conference in Cairo and the recent developments in the Middle-East peace process.Side A:
The Foreign Minister states that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s newly...
Background: The tape begins where the previous tape of the press conference with the-then President Muʿammar al-Qadhāfī left off. In the succeeding tape, al-Qadhāfī continued to comment on regional and global issues like the Yugoslavian war and NATO rising ambitions of world-occupation. The second...
Background: In this press conference, the-then President Muʿammar al-Qadhāfī invited journalists from around the world to tackle the – believed by some – distorted  image global media portrayed about his decision of getting Palestinians out of Libya in 1995. For more information, please refer to...


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