Displaying 161 - 170 of 177.
An antique copy of the Qur’an, going back to the eleventh century, which was written in gold ink, was found when an effort was made to smuggle it from Istanbul to London. The British police is trying to know the details of the smuggling attempt.
The 16-year-old Christian Briton, Hosea Walker converted to Islam, went to an Islamic training camp in Yemen where he has been shot dead. Hosea’s 17-year-old brother Malkay was in the same camp and returned home with the dead body.
The RNSAW is pleased to introduce to you a new member of the Board of Advisors: The Revd. Dr. John Watson. Dr. John Watson is an Anglican scholar who was intimately involved in the campaign to release Pope Shenouda, after the arrest in 1981. He has published more than 500 articles, and three small...
The Press Office of Lambeth Palace says "There seems to have been some error in the translation which has misrepresented the Archbishop." The Archbishop has said that in his visits to Egypt he had not encountered any persecution personally, but that he was aware of reports of persecution happening.
’Jordan was well represented at this stunning and moving event. King Abdullah recited from the Holy Koran, and Crown Prince Hamzeh read the English translation. The Duke of Kent, whom I had last seen in Jordan in 1996, read a passage from the Bible. The address - a warm tribute to the late King -...
The writer argues that the current regulation in the Coptic Orthodox Church governing the selection and election of a new pope contains a number of gross breaches and contradictory violations of laws of the church and the principle of the "right of the people to elect their patron," and calls for...
The Gama’at al-Islamiya calls Muslims to fight the US in retaliation for its air strikes against Iraq.
An article about the role of Copts in the Wafd Party which led the struggle for independence from the British.
Bishop Bakhoum of Sohag, Maragha and Al-Munsha’a said that the statement of Pope Shenouda III confirmed that what happened in the Al-Koshh events was an ordinary incident, and it has nothing to do with Egypt’s national unity. What foreign papers published were exaggerations that defame Egypt, and...
The press release criticizes the two previous Al Ahram articles and calls Hulsman "a double agent for the Egyptian government" who is afraid of being expelled from Egypt. The press release believes the letter Nafaa referred to in his article is a fabrication. They are upset because the Nafaa’s...


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