Displaying 821 - 830 of 1028.
‘Amr Khālid has had a remarkable march to fame as a dā‘iya.
Members of the Jordanian Brotherhood took to the streets in 1990 to express vehement rejection against the use of US forces to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion. Some even supported Saddam Hussein himself.
Coptic and Islamic thinkers react to the plan to establish a Coptic party.
Media attention for AWR work.
The conduct and rhetoric of Muslim leaders and their failure to address the stagnation of their societies has fueled the tensions between Islam and the West. Relations between Muslims and the West will continue to deteriorate unless the internal crisis of the Muslim world is also addressed.
Islamophobia, fear of Islam, is a concept created by the West through historical, political, economic and media factors. Several Islamic countries have fallen into the trap of Islamophobia, which makes fixing the distorted picture of Islam all the more important.
A three-day conference was held in the Swiss city of Zurich under the title of “Egyptian Copts … a Minority under Siege.” The conference, in which some suspicious agencies participated, started on Thursday and concluded on Saturday. A look at the titles of the papers discussed during the conference...
If anyone would like to see an example of the media of strife, he may take a look at the distorted, fabricated news published by Arabic papers last week. This news is about the statement Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi made at the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate about the resistance against the Americans...
We were optimistic while following up inter-religious dialogues among religious leaders of the three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. All these initiatives ultimately helped in building trust between the Islamic World and the West. But, the Bush administration turned the situation...
The vast majority [of Muslims] believes that it is not Al-Qa’ida that carried out the bombings of September 11. Many believe that the Zionist movement, the American intelligence or neo-conservatives may be behind these attacks. This way of apprehending events indicates that there is a collective...


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