Displaying 11 - 20 of 142.
Some Coptic organizations announced planned protests outside the UN building in New York during Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s visit Monday
Ambassador Mirvat Tillāwī, Head of the National Council for Women, stated that during her participation in the population and development conference that was recently held in New York, she felt a regression against women’s rights. She added that this is not only in Islamic countries, but added that...
On Thursday April 10, a forum met in the Federal Court in New York to discuss the situation of the Copts in Egypt and their protection within Egypt. It is alleged that their rights and freedoms were violated during the revolutionary events.  
The Financial Times stated that the US is trying to support Egypt in its battle against ISIS.
The New York police has arrested two days ago,  a group of 9, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and carrying the signs of Rāb’ah.
Associated Press reported that the New York police are spying on mosques in cooperation with the CIA. ‘Ajīla Rahman, one of the most prominent activists in the “Nation of Islam” movement, told the Associated Press that a case like this should not be taken lightly, because if this concerned any...
In a lecture given at the Islamic Center of New York, Advisor to the Mufti, Dr. Ibrahīm Nigm condemned ISIS’s actions of displacing Christians in Iraq, forcing them to convert to Islam, and having them pay jizyah.
In occasion of president al-Sīsī’s speech at the United Nations, the Egyptian Catholic Church announced that it will join the Egyptian Front Coalition in support for their president and the legitimacy of the 30th of June at the United Nations Plaza in New York on coming Thursday 25th of September.
Mufti Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām delegated Dr. Ibrahīm Nigm as his representative to take part in the Islam Awareness Week in New York (Author not mentioned, al- Ahrām, Feb. 4). Read original text in Arabic. 


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