Displaying 41 - 50 of 51.
The National Council of American Churches has called upon all American local churches to open their doors to Muslims in the memoriam of the September 11 attacks. The Presbyterian Church in America is very enthusiastic about the call. It will start a small project, part of which is inviting ten...
The Copts Daily Digest reported that the website of the US Copts Association was hacked by a Muslim. The hacker reported he doesn´t like their website and wanted to scare them. The US Copts Association reported that they are frequently threatened on Muslim sites but were not able to produce more...
Dr. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘ā, Muftī of Egypt, said that Islam has limited polygamy. In a Hadīth reported by Sālim, his father, Ghaylān Ibn Salāma al-Thaqafī, had ten concubines when he embraced Islam. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] told him to “chose only four of them” to marry.
Usama Bin Laden has successfully managed to raise the bar of terrorism. A terrorist attack now has specific features; there has to be massive killing of a large number of people. There has to be flames and debris. There has to be television cameras from all over the world. It is now common news to...
According to the Talmud, if the mother of a child is a Jew, then the child is Jewish. Otherwise, the child is not considered Jewish. However, in 1983, the Higher Institute for Reformist Rabbis held a meeting after which it was decided that if the father of a child is Jewish and the mother is not,...
An unknown Jew recently wrote a letter to The Jerusalem Post abusing European heads of states with the typical distorted view of history. The letter carried the headline "An Open Letter to the American President - We will take revenge upon Killer Arabs" was signed by one Hana Gore.
The article reviews a book of Philip Lewis ’Islamic Britain: Religion, Politics and Identity among British Muslims.’ The author says this book attempts to correct the wrong picture of Muslims in the British media.
The author laments the style in which writers have been discussing the Muslim Christian issues.
American freedom of religious persecution bill attacked.
Indian Muslim organization, Jamaat-e-Islami will hold its conference in Kerala on April 18-19 and focus on Muslim unity.


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