Displaying 71 - 80 of 211.
Background: Emanuel Marx was an Israeli professor at Haifa University in Israel and director of the Israeli Academic Centre in Cairo during the 1990s. After the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty was signed on 26 March 1979, the two countries agreed on establishing this center in Cairo as to foster better...
Background: Dayr al-Sulṭān is a monastery located on top of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, which the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox community claims to be their heritage. The rest of the tape consists of several interviews with employees of Dutch port business, Slavenburg & Huyser B.V...
Background: ʿAbd al-Raʾūf al-Rawābdah (born 1939) is a Jordanian politician and became prime minister of Jordan in 1999. In the 1967 Six-Day War (otherwise known as the Arab-Israeli War), Israel overpowered Egypt, Jordan and Syria. It then occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem,...
Security forces frustrated an attempt to detonate a bomb at St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo on Christmas Eve.    
Reverend Jerry Lamon Falwell was born on August 11, 1933 in Lynchburg, Virginia and deceased in May 2007.  In 1967, Falwell created an evangelical educational institution called the Lynchburg Christian Academy. The most echoing case of insult caused by Falwell was September 2002, when he gave an...
This article reflects on a hatred Israeli compaign against the Egyptians triggered by a Jewish Rabbi.
Hundreds of Copts continue to visit holy sites in Jerusalem and in the West Bank in violation of the Coptic Orthodox Church's banning of visiting Palestine. Rāmī Siyāj, head of a Cairo tourist company that runs trips to holy places in Palestine, described the Church's prevention of Egyptian...
Today (May 5, 2013) marks the return of the first Coptic delegation from Jerusalem. Last Sunday (April 28, 2013), around 310 Copts left Cairo and went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and to celebrate Easter there. The Coptic visitors to Jerusalem enjoyed their time there, despite the poor treatment of...
In an interview with al-Akhbār, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II spoke freely about the current situation in Egypt.
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II has given several interviews to major Egyptian media outlets. Below are extracts and highlights of two of the interviews that were given to Egyptian national newspapers, in which Pope Tawadros discusses Christian Muslim relations in general, as well as specific...


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