Displaying 21 - 30 of 250.
Regardless of how the political situations in Lebanon and Iraq may end, there is no doubt that the movements occurring there have come to represent an important transition in the consciousness of their citizens.  They have come to question the competency of confessional forms of governance that...
The Maronite Church is part of the Catholic Church, and recognizes the sovereignty of the Vatican. The headquarters of the Maronite Church in Bakarkī, Lebanon, and it has its own patriarch and bishops. It was founded by Patriarch Yūḥannā Mārūn in 687 AD in northern Syria. Yūḥannā Mārūn and his...
His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II received Saturday a delegation of young Maronite church members from the Maronite Catholic Archeparchy of Tyre in Lebanon, in the presence of Maronite leaders from Lebanon and Egypt. The delegation came for the service in churches and tourism in Egypt.
Yesterday, Egyptian PM Muṣṭafā Madbūlī began his visit to Beirut, where he will head the Egyptian delegation to the 9th session of the Egyptian-Lebanese Higher Committee.The delegation includes the Minister of Electricity and Energy, the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, the...
The International Mission for the Follow-up to the Referendum on the Constitutional Amendments of Egypt is a coalition composed of 3 international organizations and one Egyptian organization. The mission is preparing to follow up the referendum on the amendments to Egypt’s 2014 Constitution, slated...
Hānī ‘Imārah, Chairman of the Media People Syndicate, lodged a complaint with Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd against Tony Khalīfah, the Ajra’ Kalām (Daring Talk) show host, citing an episode that he described as “fanning sectarian fitnah between Muslims and Christians”. [Hind ‘Azzām, Rose...
Preface by Cornelis Hulsman: In 1997 I started making press overviews on issues related to Muslim-Christian relations and founded the Religious News Service from the Arab World which later was renamed Arab-West Report. Between June 13, 1997 and July 11, 1998 I collected articles from al-Muslimoon...
Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, suffered a stroke that led to his death on December 4 in Lebanon, away from his birthplace, Syria 
Michel Aoun, a former Lebanese army commander and currently a politician and leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, warned that changing the regime of Syrian President Bashār al-Assad would wreak havoc with Lebanon and the Christians living inside it.  
In his novel ‘Al-Safīnah al-Ḥamrāʾ, min Bayrūt ilā al-Bahāʾiyīn’ (The Red Ship: From Beirut To The Baha'is’, the Egyptian novelist, Samīr Zakī, deals with a sensitive and thorny theme in some countries in the Arab region, namely, the Baha'i faith. 


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