Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
A new study reveals a decrease in the Christian population by a third, yet the Ṭāʾif  Agreement imposes parity. Only a few buildings are still inhabited by Christians west of the old Ṣaydā road in al- Ḥadath area in the suburb of Southern Beirut, after the departure of hundreds of people, and the...
An American missionary belonging to Operation Mobilization and nurse´s aid Bonnie Weatherall, 31, was found murdered at a Christian health clinic housed in the building of an Evangelical church in Sidon, a port city in southern Lebanon. There is much speculation as to what could have been the...
Visit to the monasteries of Makarios, St. Bishoi and the Syrian organized by RNSAW. Report on the succession of Pope Shenouda. Discussion about supposedly anti-semitic news in Washington Post.
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