Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
Background: ʿAbd al-Raʾūf al-Rawābdah (born 1939) is a Jordanian politician and became prime minister of Jordan in 1999. In the 1967 Six-Day War (otherwise known as the Arab-Israeli War), Israel overpowered Egypt, Jordan and Syria. It then occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem,...
Three years ago, on February 27, 2013, we interviewed Aḥmad Ashūsh in our office. These were the days of President Muhammad Mursī and we then made efforts to understand the motivations of the different people involved various Islamists movements. Aḥmad Ashūsh was arrested in October 2013 for the...
Muhammad al-Misrī, a former professor of computer engineering at the University of Waterloo, begins his commentary on the Alexandria bombing with a reflection on his childhood days spent in Cairo’s predominantly Christian district of Shubra. He thereupon proclaims his conviction that “Egypt’s...
Moná Abū Sakīn criticizes expatriate Coptic activist Morris Sādiq, in particular for his stance on the issue of Israel and Palestine.
 AWR Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman’s article for the Reformatorisch Dagblad on the release of Dr. M. De Blois’ new book “Israel: a state in discussion?”
Two Israeli Rabbis wrote "Sharī‘at al-Malik" [The law of the King], a book which advocates for killing all non-Jews who are against Israeli expansion in the West bank in Palestine. Al-Bahrāwī, in this article, seeks to shed light on the racist, terrorist, and fanatic ideology of Israel.
This issue presents a number of articles on the freedom of expression and the freedom of creed, and also comments on a new film released in The Netherlands, which is trying to counter-act the harm caused by the controversial film ’Fitna.’
The article reflects on the current situation in Israel and Palestine. The author discusses the various strategies that Hamās and Fatah are taking and analyzes the possible different Israeli reactions to the situation.
Dr. Mohammed Emara, a well-known Islamist writer, comments in el-Shaab, generally considered the mouth-piece of the Muslim Brotherhood, about an article in Al-Ahram, describing the stereotyped pictures of Arabs in the American mass media. Emara writes that the Western media cannot be changed...


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