Displaying 311 - 320 of 360.
This lecture forms the background to Lord Carey’s lecture in July in Cairo. Lord Carey explained his purpose of seeking to build bridges of understanding between Islam and Christianity. “Compassion and understanding are the only tools to handle hatred and violence.” For understanding also critical...
A Saudi man called Al-Hussain Bin Abdullah Al-Lehadi claims on his own website that he is the awaited Mahdi sent by God to the whole world. Al-Lehadi propagates his false claim through the Internet and there are people who believe that he is the real, long-awaited Mahdi.
All six articles respond to the recent attacks in Riyadh and Casablanca and they all link this in different ways to Western interference in the Arab world.
We are glad to welcome Prof. Dr. Zaghloul R. El-Naggar in the AWR Board of Advisors. Dr. el-Naggar is a member of the board of directors of the Islamic Academy of Sciences, and a founding member and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Committee on Scientific Signs in the Holy...
It became apparent to me that in four Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Lebanon, Islamists are a minority. This does not mean that they are not a majority in newspaper columns or on television screens, especially on satellite channels. But the fact that they are a majority in...
The Saudi public was shocked by the release of a statement signed by more than 200 heavyweight Saudi scholars and intellectuals, known to belong to the kingdom’s moderate trend. The statement warned against what they called the “Western liberal perspective” on social life that grants women’s issues...
A Saudi fatwa that permits mutilating the bodies of the dead has outraged religious figures, especially those who are involved in the field of Da’wa [Islamic missionary activity]. They unanimously agree that Islam respect humans whether they are alive or dead.
The beheading of hostages in Iraq and Saudi Arabia left the media the world over horrified and uncertain about how much should be shown. Media outlets worldwide, with the exception of Arab media, did not know how much to show or publish about these events. As I scanned Arab satellite channels and...
During the Saudi Arabian municipal elections, the nation’s first experiment in real democracy, many were worried because Islamic activists dominated their secular rivals.
Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Prince Turki of Saudi Arabia and others coming to Cairo for a lecture on Christianity and Islam. An article about the death of 21 Christians and one Muslim in al-Kosheh with comments of Bishop Marcos and Watani editori-in-chief Yousef Sidhom.


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