Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Muhammad Bakhāt writes that the Governor of Matrūh confirms that the land crisis involving al-‘Alamīn church has been solved by earmarking a 4000 meter plot of land to the church. Bakhāt was working hard to avoid an Abū Fānā type crisis.
The New Urban Communities Authority and the Matrouh governorate have been disputing a piece of church land where a road was paved for quite some time. Finally the land has been allocated to the church.
A settlement of the problem of el-Alamein between the church and the Matrūh governorate was achieved.
Cornelis Hulsman commemorates the life of Metropolitan Marcos, an unconventional Dutch member of the Coptic Orthodox Church who served as a bishop for 34 years.
The authors discuss a road that was paved on land owned by the church in St. Marina, and the issues that arose following the road’s construction regarding the legal ownership of the land.
Bishop Bakhoumious speaks with Watani about the crisis that erupted in Marina over a plot of land that was allegedly allocated to the church.
Watani presents an overview of the crisis surrounding a plot of land allocated to the church in Marina.
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