Displaying 221 - 225 of 225.
The author points to the importance of Egypt in the Biblical history and that many of God’s great men once took refuge in Egypt. He outlines the Coptic tradition of the route of the Holy Family during their time in Egypt and suggests that the sites that were visited by the Holy Family should be...
The author spoke to Maurice Sadek. To his fellow human rights activists he's "crazy Maurice." To the government, he's a total pain in the neck. To the extremist Coptic groups in North America he's something of a hero.
A detailed description of the route of the Holy Family from place to place.
An article on the nature of relationships between Muslims, Copts and Copts abroad.
The citizens of the Hosh Eissa are complaining that their church, which was closed down after a terrorist attack, has not been reopened for seven years now. The law governing the repair of churches was modified allowing governors, instead of the president, to make that decision. The modified law,...


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