Displaying 1 - 10 of 224.
 The purpose of this study is to present the most accurate data on the statistics of Christians in Egypt.
On Thursday (October 5), Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church visited the Monastery of Saint Maqāryūs the Grand (Abū Maqqār) in the Shīhīt wilderness as part of the pope’s follow-up of the work and activities in the monastery.
The Parish Servants Committee concluded its seventh conference including bishops and priests from all churches in Egypt: the Coptic Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical, Episcopal/Anglican, Armenian and Greek Orthodox churches. The Egyptian Council of Churches’ conference was headed by Fr. Yūḥannā Saʿad...
Pope Tawāḍrūs II inaugurates the third edition of Logos Coptic Youth Forum having as theme - this year - "Back to Roots." 200 young Christians have  participated from 35 parishes of the See of St. Mark Diocese from all over the world.
Today, Friday, the Ministry of Awqāf inaugurates 12 mosques in six governorates, including 11 that have been rebuilt and one that has been recently restored. This brings a grand total of 258 mosques which have been opened since 1st July, 231 of which have also been rebuilt and another 27 that have...
Witnesses shared videos on social networking sites of the demolition of a church in the village of ‘Basṭara’ in al-Buḥayra (Beheira) governorate. This comes following a removal order by the Damanhūr city council in cooperation with security forces. This resulted in clashes between Coptic citizens...
"The First Maronite Church in Egypt," a book written by Fr. George Shīḥān—Archbishop of the Maronite Diosece of Cairo for Egypt and Sudan, and the Supreme President of Maronite institutions in Egypt. The book was published by The Lebanese Maronite Centre for Culture and Media in Cairo, in...
The defrocked monk Yaʿqūb al-Maqārī continues to exploit his monastic name and clothes on the social media platform Facebook, despite his divestment from the Coptic Orthodox Church in 2018. The Church does not recognize the place he lives in as a monastery (Monastery of the Virgin Mary and Saint...
Yesterday evening, Pope Tawāḍrūs II of Alexandria and the See of St Mark concluded the second day of the “Second Media Meeting” along with representatives of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s magazine al-Karāza and four Coptic TV channels, Aghapy TV [Aghābī], ME sat, CTV and Koogi [Kūjī], alongside the...
Work has finished on all the final features of the Central Papal Library at the St. Pishoy [Bīshūy] Monastery in Wādī al-Naṭrūn, the location of the papal seat. Last year when the library officially opened for the first time, Pope Tawāḍrūs II wrote an article on the library’s goals and how it will...


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