Displaying 41 - 50 of 85.
Bishop Bīshūy and a lay Christian scholar have published a book that responds to that of Bishop Paphnotius in which he openly criticized Bishop Bīshūy.
Zākhir explains why he wants to sue Bishop Bīshūy, the general secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod.
Zākhir details the personal relationship between Pope Shenouda III and Bishop Bishūy; a relationship that dates back to the time of the bishop’s uncle who was Shenouda’s friend. He also reveals his intention to bring Bishop Bishūy to court for offending him in public and mentions different...
Archpriest ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt Abū al-Khayr responds to an article published in al-Dustūr on February 6, 2008 by Sharīf al-Dawākhilī.
Three clergymen are according to the author the front runners to the papacy. The laymen also have their word.
Muhammad Barakāt reports on the close relationship between Pope Shenouda III and Bishop Bīshūy, which has aroused suspicions that the pope is grooming Bishop Bīshūy to succeed him.
Bishop Bīshūy’s declarations are irresponsible and the Pentecostal Church respects Bishop Bīshūy. The Coptic Orthodox Church, declared Mūrjān ‘Azīz Mūrjān, head of the Pentecostal Church.
The critical health condition of Pope Shenouda aroused arguments about his expected successor. While a group of laymen calls for a new law to be established for the papal elections, the church expresses its discontentment towards what it considers to be the laymen’s interference in church’s affairs...
Bishop Bīshūy has been on a successful journey to the United States where he lectured to the Coptic youth. His spokesman denied all rumors about security troubles that the bishop faced during his visit.
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, coordinator of the laymen’s conference, has reportedly criticized the Secretary of the Holy Synod Bishop Bīshūy for exploiting the ongoing church’s conference on doctrine in al-Fayyūm to settle old scores.


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