Displaying 61 - 70 of 85.
Pope Shenouda denied that Bishop Bīshūy accused non-Orthodox denominations of apostasy on a CD and said that the excommunication of Bibāwī was a collective decision issued by the Holy Synod, not by the pope.
‘Ārif al-Dubays writes a profile about Bishop Bīshūy.
A deacon sues Pope Shenouda’s assistant accusing him of deviating from the church opinions.
The phenomenon of Islamic schools is not new; the new thing is that these schools do not accept employing Christian teachers or enlisting Christian students. Last week an advertisement appeared in the last page of al-Ahram about a school called ?Al-Bashayir al-Islāmīyah.” The advertisement called...
The author wonders about the real reasons for canceling the church trial of the bishop of Naj‘ Ḥammādī, Bishop Kyrillos, criticizing the Secretary- general of the Holy Synod Bishop Bīshūy for holding such trials upon personal discords alone.
A description of a visit to the Convent of St. Dimyānah on the Occasion of the festival of Saint Dimyānah whereby Metropolitan Bīshūy provided the delegation with a detailed explanation of Coptic traditions related to the convent. Dr. Picard noted differences between the way Metropolitan Bīshūy and...
‘Ubayd discusses the history of various forms of Christianity, from Arab Christians to Eastern Christians, and the problems that are still remain to overcome.
Al-Hayat, praised the Muslim Brotherhood for backing the Coptic candidate of the Wafd Party in the Waili district. The author of the article described the group’s attitude as "a new step towards an opening to other political powers and an attempt to extend the group’s efficient political tendencies...
Salwa Refaat wrote the National Egyptian Heritage Foundation( NEHRA), the Ministries of Culture and Environment and the Antiquities Authority made great efforts to revive the sites on the Holy path. On the same page was an interview with Mr. Mounir Gabbour, Chairman of NEHRA. In: "The Holy Book"...
‘Ādil Zāhir compares Bishop Bīshūy’s newspapers to that of Watanī. The bishop's publications are called yellow and superficial, aimed at promoting the bishop's agenda. Income is generated from advertising, including alcoholic beverages.


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