Displaying 11 - 20 of 29.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mun‘im Sa‘īd says that the legitimacy of both the government and the opposition was badly affected in the recent local council elections and warns about punishing the Internet users who called for the recent strike, claiming that it would be an economic setback for the country.
In lieu of the recent incidents that have taken place in the past few weeks, Muntasir al-Zayyāt has postponed the submission of the foundation documents of the Union for Freedom Party.
A number of Coptic Orthodox clergymen complained to Pope Shenouda asking for former Bishop Mīt’as to be reinstated. They also revealed what they called Bishop Bīshūy’s fallacies and allegations.
Jābir ‘Asfūr, a prominent Egyptian intellectual and man of literature, reports on his childhood in the city of al-Mahallah in the Egyptian Delta where he used to attend a Coptic school.
The following presents the continuation of a lengthy interview with Bishop Bīshūy in which he expresses his opinions on different issues.
The case of a Coptic young woman, āmāl Zakī Nasīm, is still open to all possibilities. Ten days after āmāl’s mysterious absence, security forces seem to be failing to obtain any clue about her place or state. The Egyptian press continues to report on the developments in the case.
A new alleged forced disappearance of an 18-year-old Coptic lady sparks protests in Egypt. The woman’s family and a considerable number of Copts are carrying out sit-ins at the church. The family accuses security forces of carelessness. Rumors spread about her escape to marry a Muslim colleague.
In the article, a large number of bishops of the Coptic Orthodox Church have been engaging in a hidden struggle to reach the papal seat.
The author discusses the increasing phenomenon of Coptic girls converting to Islam, and considers the reasons behind these conversions.
Council of State rules in favor of NGO status. Circulating rumors about Bishop Kyrillos of Naj al-Hammādī followed by demonstrations. PhD thesis declares Rose al-Yūsuf apostate, showing great divide between liberal minded journalists and traditionalist Islamic scholars.


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