Displaying 31 - 40 of 50.
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Holy See of St. Mark inaugurated on Sunday the third seminar of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church.  Titled “Church Services and The Coptic Family”, the seminar reviewed a number of papers, including the personal...
The Coptic Orthodox Church prohibited the five candidates for papal chair of Saint Mark in succession of Pope Shenouda III, who passed away on March 17, 2012, from appearing on satellite channels before the election of the 118th pope. [Mustafá Rahūmah, al-Watan, Oct. 16, p. 3] Read original text...
Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd ordered immediate investigations into reports accusing the Dutch ambassador in Cairo of attempting to foment sectarian strife by providing his country with misinformation about the conditions of Copts in Egypt. [‘Umar al-Khūlī, al-Sabāh, Oct. 2, p. 3] Read...
The Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod called for suing people who were involved in producing the film "Innocence of Muslims" discrediting the Prophet Muhammad.  In the official statement, read by Bishop Bula of Tantā, the Holy Synod also called for criminalizing insulting religion. Read original text in...
Bishop Bula of Tanta and spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox papal elections committee, said that changes in the voters tables will be made to the decision of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod,  papal elections statute, and the definition of the word "archon".  The article has no link online.
Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Editor-in-Chief of Arab West Report: AWR’s Diana Maher Ghali comments on the number of Christians in Egypt were mentioned in a Daily News Article article. The threats of Bishop Bula (Paul in the article) are not very wise. That he wants modification of Article II of the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church's Holy Synod formed an 18-member committee that will make a list of nominees for the patriarchic chair. Clergymen on the committee included Bishop Hīdrā of Aswan, Bishop Benjamin of Monufia, Bishop Būla of Tanta, Bishop Abrām of al-Fayoum, Bishop Serapion of Los Angeles...
From before the revolution, many Copts have realized their community suffers from a dearth of political and civic participation. The Coptic Orthodox Church’s Bishopric of Youth, for example, has an area of focus entitled ‘Promoting Coptic Participation in Society’, which I encountered when a...
Pope Shenouda is reported to have had a number of secret meetings withbishops discussing the Clerical Council's current situation, where Copts have demanded the removal of Bishop Bola, of Tanta, from the presidency of the Council and the appointment of four bishops of his administration. During...
 A conference on the “Role of the universities, NGOs, the Supreme Council of Antiquities, and the media, in preserving Coptic antiquities during the period from 1976 to 2009” was recently held in Cairo. The conference was organized by the Italian Institute for antiquities and restoration in...


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