Date of source: Thursday, September 25, 2003
The US Copts Association sent a press release on September 21 with the title: “Egyptian Police Attack a Coptic Church and desecrate the Holy Eucharist.” They claim their press release was based on ‘credible information´ without giving sources. The word ‘attack´ is several times used in the release...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 2, 2000
In the late 1999s, President Mubarak issued presidential decree No. 453 of 1999 which orders the referral of requests for repair and restoration of places of worship to architectural administrations in local authorities. But, some people did not like this presidential decree, as if they hate to see...
Date of source: Saturday, August 9, 2003
Dr. Selim Naguib and Pastor McNeely have been writing inflammatory letters falsely claiming that Muslims do kidnap Christian girls in Egypt. There is no reason to doubt their sincerity but they have followed their sentiments without checking facts. The consequences of such false claims are severe...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Bishop Marqus comments on Bishop Munīr’s text on “Christian minorities in the Islamic world; an Egyptian perspective.”
Date of source: Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Cornelis Hulsman and Michael Meunier first met on July 1, 1999. Meunier followed a very aggressive tone of questioning but in the end they agreed to exchange information. It was Hulsman´s aim to engage in dialogue. He sent lots of background reports the RNSAW had produced on July 7. Meunier...
Date of source: Thursday, June 5, 2003
The rumors of US interference in Assiut probably started with an article titled "The American embassy occupies Assiut," Sout Al-Umma, April 28, 2003 [AWR week 17, art. 3]. The Sout al-Umma article is extremely negative and one wonders if not at least part of it is the consequence of rivalry between...
Date of source: Wednesday, February 5, 2003
Christianity Today, a major US publication, published a highly distorted article on Christians in Egypt, making claims that are simply false or cannot be substantiated. Christianity Today based itself on material obtained from Operation World and other sources. Operation World admits they must have...
Date of source: Saturday, July 9, 2005 to Friday, July 15, 2005
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...
Date of source: Wednesday, November 17, 2004
It is agreed on that the route taken by the Holy Family in Egypt is the utmost Christian tourism of the world. What 1500 million Christians know about it, is limited to what they read in the book of Matthew. Driven by curiosity, tourists from Europe and America will come and that will represent...
Date of source: Saturday, December 28, 2002
The three authors criticize reporting in the Layman, an American Presbyterian publication, claiming Christians in Egypt are persecuted. They believe the author of this article was ill-informed and provided readers with wrong information. The Layman got the opportunity to respond to their criticism...