Displaying 21 - 30 of 53.
Background: This interview is with Raʾfat Saʾīd, a merchant, who was in a way or another was forced to leave his city due to constant terrorist threats by Al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah to pay them money. He explains the incidents and the role of the police in fighting the escalating terrorism in the city...
Michael Munīr was born in 1968 in Egypt in Abu Qurqas near Minia to a Coptic Catholic family even though he today considers himself Coptic Orthodox. Munīr refers to his life in Egypt as a member of an oppressed Christian minority without religious freedom, citing this as his reason to emigrate to...
[This interview took place in English and was recorded. Editorial notes have been made between brackets to clarify some statements. The interview was transcribed by Esther Schoorel and edited by Douglas May and Cornelis Hulsman.] [Test]
The verdict passed by al-Minya Criminal Court on May 21 convicting 12 Copts and sentencing them to life imprisonment while acquitting eight accused Muslims in the same case, known as the Abū Qurqās sedition case, has caused widespread anger among the Copts. Arab-West Report asked intern Cassie...
Rānyā Khalīl Ibrāhīm, the heroine of yet another sectarian trouble sparked recently in Mīt Bashār village, Minyā al-Qamh town, al-Sharqia governorate, said that she was not kidnapped and that she left her father’s home with her own free will. [‘Ādil al-Shā’ir, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Feb. 19, p. 6]...
Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd ordered that 20 suspects in the sectarian fitnah incidents in Abū Qurqās, al-Minya governorate, be referred to the Emergency Supreme State Security Court. The suspects, 18 Muslims and Christians, are facing charges of assembly, premeditated murder with malice...
Military prosecution in Asiut arrested 17 suspects in violent acts that occurred in the Abū Qurqās village of al-Minya governorate. The incident resulted in two deaths and two injuries. A number of 9 Copts and 8 Muslims have been arrested, furthermore, continuous efforts by human rights...
Egypt has deployed extra police and troops to the central al-Minya province after a dispute between two Christian and Muslim families sparked deadly sectarian clashes. A curfew has been imposed on the town of Abū Qurqās after a dispute between the two families over the building of a speed bump...


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