Displaying 1 - 10 of 32.
The high turnout among Copts in the second phase of the referendum puts doubt on the announced results that came as 17 percent who said “yes” to the Constitution in the second phase (most likely because Copts would have voted for “no”).
The village of Saft al-Laban, in al-Minya Governorate, witnessed last Wednesday sectarian fights, after an argument between a Christian and a Muslim led to the death of one of them and the torching of eight Christian houses. The security forces intervened to avoid further violence and al-Minya...
Inhabitants of Diljā repeated their complaints about the security situation in the village and the continuing displacement of Coptic citizens by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.  Father Ayūb Yūsif from Mar Girgis Church in the village said that the number of Coptic families who have been displaced...
For the third day in a row, Coptic children in the village of Daljā in the governorate of Minya were prevented from attending their schools in Dayr Muwās, due to the threat of kidnapping or death from members of the Muslim Brotherhood. One child has been kidnapped and his family asked for a ransom...
Alleged members of the Muslim Brotherhood executed a number of attacks against citizens yesterday in an attempt to prevent them from casting their votes. 
In Badrmān security sources have stopped youth from nearby villages (Daljā, al-Arūs, Banī-Sālim and Nazlit Mahmūd) from entering the village to attack the Copts. Mahmūd Imrān, from the family of the Muslim girl, stated that Coptic sites have falsely published that Muslims have thrown a young girl...
The inhabitants of the city Dayr Mawwās and the village of Diljā stood up against the supporters of the deposed former president, Morsi, blocking them from storming into and attacking the churches of Virgin Mary and Saint Abram (Ibrā’ām), during Saturday night (July 27) demonstrations. Amjad ‘Izzat...
The Military Court in the governorate of Asyūt on Monday adjourned the trial of 325 members of the Muslim Brotherhood accused of involvement in violent acts in the Mallawī and Dayr Mawās regions in Minya to the 23rd of April. 
I have read much about passive resistance, and I have studied the history of persecution which the Copts suffered under the Romans, and how they were able to overthrow the yoke of the Empire with passive resistance. The Copts lost half of their members to persecution at the hands of the Romans, so...
Lawyer Najīb Jabrā’īl said his client Kāmīliyā Shihātah will not appear in the June 14, 2011 session at the State Council’s Administrative Judiciary Court in a case filed to demand that her whereabouts are disclosed. “I expect the court to turn down the case and close it once and for all on the...


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