Displaying 11 - 20 of 29.
The author emphasizes that Egypt is witnessing a wave of terrorism, listing a number of fields, where the state could make efforts to deal with this serious problem.
The article discusses the weekly Friday sermon and the poor performance of the preachers, whom many view as insufficient to stand on the minbar [a pulpit inside the mosque] and deliver sermons to Muslim worshippers.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mun‘im Sa‘īd believes that the two-year extension of the 25-year-old emergency law was vital after terrorist attacks rocked Dahab, Rafah, al-‘Arīsh, Tābā, Cairo and Sharm al-Sheikh.
The incidents of the past couple of weeks showed a lack of political strength. They also refuted the claims of those who believe that democracy brings instability, for they occurred in spite of the existence of the emergency law, political centralization and the exceptional powers granted to...
A reported assault on the imām of the Umm al-Qura Mosque in al-‘Arīsh, Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abd al- Hamīd, by Major Muhammad Ridā of the State Security Intelligence (SSI), has provoked outrage among Sinai mosque imāms.
Jennifer Drago, an American Christian volunteer with the Mennonite Central Committee, is living with her family in the Upper Egyptian provincial town Banī Suwayf (Beni Suef), and reflects on her experiences at a beach camp with Coptic orphan girls. Her article shows that the mentality of Egyptian...
A bus accident in Nuweba´ left 22 dead and 23 injured, all Christians. President Mubarak has sent a special airplane to transfer the victims to military hospitals. Pope Shenouda thanked him for his care for the victims.
Discussions have been taking place between the Muslim Brotherhood and Coptic groups. Some issues have been controversial, like finance and support for the Brotherhood from abroad, but there has been a proposal that the Brotherhood and Copts make a unified list for the local elections.
A revolutionary religious group will never know a thing about political dreams because their ideas are just a collection of hallucinations. The author critiques the Palestinian revolutionary groups.
The paper received two messages, at around the same time, from some of our Coptic brothers. The first message, which came from two engineers, Sergos Zakhari Maximous and Butros Ibrahim Saleeb, in Alexandria, was full of love towards Egypt. The other was a copy of a page from a magazine issued by...


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