Displaying 1 - 10 of 17.
Catholic Priest Jirjis Wīsā Jirjis says in this interview that the marriage of Catholic clergymen is optional and that a priest might have the freedom not to confine his service to one particular church all his life.
Rūbīr al-Fāris writes about the history of the Sisters of Charity Federation, founded by St. Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac in France in 1633.
The author advocates for a unified law for building places of worship in Egypt, citing problems in obtaining a license to erecting a house for aged care that was connected to the Holy Virgin Church in Assiut as one situation that would be solved by such a law.
The Monastery of Al-Muharraq in Qusia hosted an Iftar dinner attended by a delegation from the Journalists Syndicate and a number of thinkers and writers as part of the annual meeting between the monks of the monastery and members of the Journalists Syndicate organized by the monastery.
The Church of the Virgin Mary in the village of al-Munshaa alKobra has been trying to obtain a building license for an old age home attached to it. However, the authorities deal with the building as a church building and not as an ordinary building. Thus the project should go along the road...
Around fifty Copts from the al-Qusiyya bishopric have signed a petition to Pope Shenouda complaining about what they call the protestant penetration of the Orthodox Church.
Deputies and politicians in Bahrain have objected the activities of the Democratic National Institute (DNI) in their country and question the legitimacy of its contacts with the civil society organizations, suspecting that the institute is part of the U.S. administration’s plan to geo-strategically...
The head of Al-Muharraq monastery said that the expelled monk accused him of getting part of the gold which he stole from a woman and of moral matters because he expelled him and refused his return to the monastery. He recounted how the relation of the expelled monk started with the monastery and...
In his book "I Confess," Gamal Asa’ad tells the story of his sad experience with the Tagammu party, especially its leaders, their unexplained position toward him, and their constant actions to contradict their beliefs. He believes that the Church is partially responsible for sectarian strife in...
For the first time, disputes among the pastors of the Free Methodist church are taking place. The problem started when disputes between many pastors of the Church and the head pastor of its General Council became widespread. This was due to the accusations of lying, stealing, cursing, violating the...


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